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Company Policy

This privacy policy defines how Acier Québec Maritime Inc. may collect, use, store, and disclose the personal information you provide, which is collected through the Acier Québec Maritime Inc. website or that we hold about you. The Privacy Policy applies to personal information collected during all our activities, except for personal information we collect about our employees, former employees, and job applicants.

This privacy policy has been developed in compliance with applicable privacy protection laws, including the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, S.C. 2000, c. 5, the Act respecting the Protection of Personal Information in the Private Sector, CQLR, c. P-39.1, and other similar provincial laws.

Your privacy is important to us. Through this Privacy Policy, we aim to be clear and transparent, obtain your consent when necessary, enable you to exercise your rights concerning your personal information, and ensure the confidentiality of such information. Please read the Privacy Policy carefully before providing any personal and sensitive information.

However, be aware that you remain responsible for protecting your personal information when you browse the content of other third-party websites. Our privacy policy does not apply to the collection, use, communication, or retention of your personal information by other websites, even though some links on our Site may lead you to third-party content. We encourage you to read the privacy notices or policies governing these third parties.

The Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time, and by visiting the Site, you agree to the latest version posted on the Site.

Information We Collect

Personal information means any information about an individual that can directly or indirectly identify them, whether taken separately or combined with other information.

It is important for you to know that we only collect the personal information necessary to provide you with our products and services. Most of the time, we collect your personal information directly from you. However, in certain circumstances, we may collect your personal information from other sources after obtaining your consent or as permitted by law.

We may collect the following information about you, among others, when you visit our Site or contact us by other means :
• Your name, mailing address, phone number, email address, and any other information you provide;
• Information about your communications with us, such as histories of discussions with you, email exchanges, and customer service call recordings;
• Financial and billing information, such as the email and mailing address of the billing contact, amounts billed and outstanding, or credit and/or debit card numbers;
• Information related to your visit to the Site, the pages you click on, the duration of your visit, and general Internet usage (including cookies);

If we happen to collect sensitive personal information about you, rest assured that we will obtain your prior consent.

Purposes of Collection, Use, and Disclosure

We only collect the personal information necessary to provide you with our products and services.

We collect your personal information, within the limits authorized by law, to :
• Identify you;
• Provide you with our products and services;
• Communicate with you;
• Manage our risks;
• Meet our legal and regulatory obligations;
• Send you advertising offers, promotions, or other communications via electronic, email, paper, and telephone means. However, you have the opportunity at any time to withdraw your consent to receive these communications;

Limits on Collection, Use, and Disclosure

We strive not to collect personal information that is unnecessary for the purposes stated in the "Purpose of Collection, Use, and Disclosure" section. Please refrain from disclosing sensitive or unnecessary personal information on the Site or through other communication means when it is not necessary.

The collected information will only be disclosed to and accessed by Acier Québec Maritime Inc. personnel who reasonably need it to fulfill the objectives stated in the Privacy Policy. These employees are made aware of privacy protection, and internal policies are in place to ensure its protection.

To provide you with affordable and quality products and services, we may need to disclose some of your personal information outside our company. Rest assured that we require third parties to whom we disclose your personal information to comply with legal standards and take necessary security measures to protect your personal information. Acier Québec Maritime Inc. does not sell or disclose personal information to third parties, except as permitted by law or when we have obtained your consent. Additionally, we may disclose your personal information to third parties providing services, such as IT services, payment processing services, cloud hosting, or Site maintenance services, courts or other law enforcement authorities, or other third-party entities, for example, in the context of a business transaction or in the event of insolvency or bankruptcy.

Moreover, we may disclose aggregated non-identifiable data about Site traffic trends to our partners or other parties.

Disclosure and Retention of Personal Information Outside Quebec or Canada

The contractors we work with, as well as other third parties to whom we disclose your personal information, may operate outside Quebec and Canada.
In all cases where we disclose your personal information outside Quebec or Canada, we ensure that your personal information is treated securely and in compliance with this Privacy Policy, and that a written agreement exists with the third party regarding the processing of your personal information. Additionally, before disclosing your personal information outside Quebec, we always conduct a privacy impact assessment to evaluate the inherent risks and the applicable legal regime of the state where your information will be disclosed.

Security Measures and Privacy Incident Management

We are committed to protecting personal information in our possession in accordance with industry standards. Our security measures are adapted based on the volume of personal information and its sensitivity.

Acier Québec Maritime Inc. takes reasonable measures to prevent unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of personal information, as well as the loss of personal information or any other breach of the protection of such information (a "Privacy Incident").

Any potential or actual privacy incident is taken seriously and will be reported to the relevant authorities and affected individuals in accordance with applicable privacy laws.

If you believe your personal information has been compromised or have concerns about it, we invite you to contact our privacy officer (the “Officer”) at the contact details listed at the bottom of this Privacy Policy.


When you browse the Site, information may be stored on your computer or any other device you use to access the Site in the form of a "cookie" or similar file. This information helps us personalize the Site to better suit your interests and preferences.

If you do not wish to receive cookies or want to be notified when cookies are placed on your device, many web browsers allow you to delete existing cookies, block them, or receive a notification when a cookie is stored on your device. Refer to your browser's instructions to learn more about these features.


We do not retain users' personal information beyond what is necessary to fulfill the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy or to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.

We have internal procedures in place to ensure that your personal information is subject to a retention schedule and securely destroyed once that period has passed. For any questions regarding the retention of your personal information, we invite you to contact our Officer using the contact details provided in this Privacy Policy.

Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Information

You have the right to access all personal information concerning you that we hold. Additionally, you have the right to update or correct your personal information that we have collected. In this regard, we are committed to responding to you within the timeframes and other terms provided by applicable law.

You may choose to withdraw or modify your consent to the processing of your personal information at any time, provided it is legally acceptable to do so and that you inform us within a reasonable time. However, if you refuse to provide us with the personal information necessary for us to offer you our products and services or required by law, we may no longer be able to provide certain services to you. In such a case, we may have to cancel our engagement with you. You will, however, be informed of such a situation.

You have the right to obtain additional information regarding the processing of your personal information. If you cannot find the answer to your questions in this Privacy Policy, you may contact our Officer using the contact details listed at the bottom of this Privacy Policy.

Contact Us

If you have questions about how your personal information is handled, a complaint to make, or if you wish to exercise your rights, please contact our Officer at the following :

Privacy Officer
Name : Mélanie Caron
Address : 396, rue Témiscouata C.P. 847, Rivière-du-Loup (Qc) G5R 3Z5
Phone : 418-862-1320 / 1-800-463-1320
Email :